Make your sous vide more sustainable

June the 5th marks World Environment Day and, here at Instanta, we want to help you improve the sustainability of your business. One issue that is at the forefront of many business’ and individuals’ minds at the moment is plastic waste.
Thanks to recent media coverage, which has opened the public’s eyes to the widespread damage caused by plastic waste, we can no longer continue to use single-use plastic as we have been previously. Programmes like the BBC’s Blue Planet have highlighted the harm caused to marine life and recent research studies by Orb Media revealed micro-plastics have infiltrated both tap and bottled water with unknown consequences to human health. 2018 has marked a need for change with regards to single-use plastics.
Thankfully, there is hope when it comes to making your business more eco-friendly business. For example, when it comes to batch cooking, a sous vide is already a sustainable option. When cooking in a sous vide food doesn’t make direct contact with the water so there’s no need to change the water regularly and create more waste. Also, once the sous vide reaches the temperature required for cooking the temperature can be maintained with minimal energy use.
One simple but significant change you can make to ensure your sous vide cooking is as sustainable as possible is to replace single-use plastic bags with less wasteful alternatives. There are now 100% silicone-based bags available, these are perfect for vacuum packing and even dishwasher proof, so they can be used time and time again. In a similar way to taking a canvas bag shopping instead of buying plastic ones, using reusable sous vide bags is an investment in the long run – both for your pocket and the planet.
If you’re interested in finding out about more ways your business can become more eco-aware please visit: or for anti-plastic initiatives. If you’re looking for an alternative reusable bag for your sous vide cooking find out more at