The CH1000: Bringing Efficiency Into the Commercial World

One of the most pronounced trends within the commercial and customer service market is the idea of "going green". In other words, businesses are searching for better and more efficient means to provide their customers with the services that they need. An excellent example of this can be seen in the continuing evolution of water boilers and chillers. In fact, many experts predict that the speed of this progression is only expected to increase in the years ahead. Thus, it should come as no great surprise that units such as the CH1000 have already made headlines.
Liquid Savings One Cup at a Time
The CH1000 represents the best of both worlds. It is extremely easy to use while the unit boasts second-to-none levels of energy efficiency. This arises from the fact that the hybrid system is able to provide water heated to a consistent temperature of 97 degrees Celcius while no less than 60 cups of water chilled to less than 11 degrees are likewise available per hour. This dramatically cuts down on the costs involved with purchasing two separate units.
Easy and Flexible Installation
One of the reasons that many businesses were wary of purchasing such a unit was that they may have been difficult to install. This is not the case with the Instanta CH1000. On the contrary, all that is required is an existing potable cold water tap. It is quite compact; only 579 millimetres in height and 503 millimetres deep. The CH1000 can therefore be placed upon counters and similar surfaces while space will rarely be an issue. The choice of a front or rear overflow tray is another added benefit.
Sleek, Streamlined and Safe
Commercial establishments such as cafes and offices are rightfully concerned about their appearance. The Instanta CH1000 has addressed this fact. A stainless steel design contributes to the overall level of aesthetics while its modern frontal plate is pleasing to the eye; quite minimalist in its appeal. It is intended to be used with a 230-volt power supply at 13 amps. Low-voltage switching and two individual fuses have enabled the CH1000 to be one of the safest designs currently on the market. Therefore, any business can rest assured that the welfare of customers and employees alike is always a top priority.
Thankfully, this is also an extremely cost-effective model. These are some of the main reasons why the Instanta CH1000 is indeed a popular choice.